Workable Fixative

Use this all-natural workable fixative to secureĀ a layer of pastel so it bindsĀ to the surface for further work. This product will darken your colors slightly and may spit out of the nozzle if it is not cleaned regularly. But since you are adding further layers, this is not an issue. Clean the nozzleĀ often with hot water. It's a wonderful product for use with your soft pastels.

Lascaux Fixative

Lascaux Acrylic Fixative is an aerosol based finishing spray used to secure the pastel and provide crystal clear protection once it is completed. This product will not darken the colors of your pastel painting. It provides additional bonding of the pigment to the surface for framing and shipping your pastel paintings. This product is toxic and should be used with adequate ventilation. I only use it outdoors. It is an excellent fixative. Product Link


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