How To Loosen Up With Painterly Edges
Transform your work from a tighter linear style to a bold, expressive approach with one painterly technique.
Do you find yourself asking the question, “How do I loosen up my pastel painting?”
The answer to your question lies in focusing on one specific technique—Edges! I've created a FREE video lesson and guide to empower you with painterly edges that will loosen up your work.

You'll receive the Painterly Edges Resource Guide to download and keep, complete with apple reference photo. Gain a vocabulary of edges and see examples of the linear verses painterly style. You'll also get a full length painting demonstration of painterly edges so you can follow along.
It's time to unlock the expressive potential of your paintings through edges!

Painterly Style
Learn how to distinguish between a more rigid, linear style and a looser, painterly approach by focusing on one technique - edges.

Varying Edges
Discover how varying edge types—hard, soft, and broken—can create a dynamic relationship between forms and loosen up your work.

Explore how bold, expressive mark making at the edges of your subject and throughout can lead to a more fluid, painterly style.

Are you struggling to break out of a linear, controlled style that leaves you feeling restricted?
This focus on Edges is your pathway to freedom!
You have so much creativity within you – together we can unlock your expressive style by understanding painterly edges. Let me be your guide as we discover how bold and loose your work can become, and you experience the joy that this technique brings. I'd love to help you reach your creative potential. Let's paint!
Alain Picard